After his body reaches the desired PH level a nurse, dressed in protective clothing that resembles a Hasmat suit, brings in the chemo bag (Not so comforting). The name of this week’s therapy is Methotrextate. This is given intravenously over a 4-hour period, and then we wait for the Methotrexate to clear his body to a level less than .01. This process takes a varying amount of time. Like everything else here, it all depends on the patient. (I’m growing weary of this answer). This is the third time Ty has had a treatment of Methotrexate. Kirk and I are finding ways to play the “Meth game”. The more Ty drinks and eats, the faster the Methotrexate clears his little body. Sounds easy, right?
Factor in mouth/throat sores, a sick stomach and the ability to throw up at the hint of any smell, and this becomes a full time job. We use distractions such as books, cartoons, and movies, Legos, Poptropica and the Wii. This keeps his mind off what we’re trying to have him to eat and drink. The days are filled constantly trying to get him to eat and drink. Truth is it’s emotionally and physically exhausting.
This leads us to another issue that Ty has: weight loss. Ty has consistently lost weight the last 9 weeks. He’s currently down 10 lbs. Here is where we are grateful Ty is built like a brick house. 10 lbs. is nothing to be alarmed about, but still we are concerned. The doctor has ordered an appetite stimulant that Ty takes orally three times a day. Can you believe there is such a thing? I thought an appetite stimulant was just called stress! Apparently I’ve been taking appetite stimulant without even knowing. ☺
Ty is on several anti-nausea medicines to help his chemo infusions run smooth. Kirk is very diligent in tracking which medicine works and which doesn’t. We have experienced several scary and uneasy side effects from the anti-nausea medicines. No parent should have to see his or her child go through severe depression or hallucination. These times have been very dark and sad for us. We’re now to a point where we have eliminated the “bad” medicines, and time the “good” one correctly. Ty has been less sick since we figured this out.
He starts with Zofran every 6 hours, plus a once a day dose of Dethamexazone, and several doses of Benadryl as needed. Leucovorin is given with this treatment to help speed up the breakdown process of Methotrexate.
The things Ty goes through during his chemo treatments can be very disturbing. From the different chemotherapies, to the medication to combat the side effects, it is enough to give us nightmares, and it sometimes does. We have to consciously remind ourselves, we do this for the best possible outcome.
Ty has done pretty well this trip. Everything as gone as expected with no surprises. When we first got here Wednesday a cool nurse named Irish was laughing and teasing Ty, making him feel right at home. Irish even challenged Ty to pull April fools pranks by squirting everyone with a syringe. Needles to say any Nurse, Tech or Doctor that walked through the door got wet. This is a good sign that Ty is getting back to normal.
His Methotrexate level is down to .74 this morning. We hope he will be able to go home early Saturday afternoon.
A big thanks goes out to our family, ward and friends for the prayers, kind acts and best wishes directed to our family, especially Ty Ty.
I truly know that prayers in our behalf have been heard and answered. I have felt and continue to feel help, comfort and love that comes through the Savior, Jesus Christ. Our hearts are full of love and gratitude to all of you.
Love the update Sarah! Keep them coming! I've told you a thousand times already but sweet Tyler and your whole family are in my family's thoughts and prayers. I just love you and think you are great. Your strength is truly amazing to me!